5 Facts about national treasure rapper MI Abaga

Our focus today is the one and only MI Abaga.

We all know and love MI Abaga, but how well do we know him?

Here are five facts you may not know about the rapper.

He's very shy

He may exude confident energy, but did you know he's actually a very shy person? Not only is he shy, he is also introverted. Like many of us, his crazy and funny sides step out when he's around friends, family and people he's generally comfortable around.

Interestingly, he has said that the times he tried to be funny on twitter, he landed in trouble in the court of public opinion. So he may not be funny to Nigerians, but to his close ones he's definitely a riot.

MI Abaga started his musical career in 2003.
MI Abaga started his musical career in 2003.

He has tried finding love through dating apps

To find love is not easy and we all know that, but did you know MI actually tried using dating apps? Yup! Before he found his wife, Eniola Mafe, through a mutual friend, he had attempted to find a girlfriend through dating apps but it did not work out. Why? Well, he couldn't find his ideal woman there.

He once had eight carryovers in university

Bet you didn't know that, huh? MI attempted to study quantity surveying in a Nigerian university but was faced with academic challenges. At home, he was so focused on his music that he completely failed his first year, ending up with eight carryovers. He initially wanted to study Architecture but didn't have grades high enough, so he was left with quantity surveying.

He loves women with natural hair and afros

This rapper is a lover of an African woman's crowning glory, her hair! More specifically, afros. When he was younger, he had a thing for ladies with afro hairstyles and that didn't change over time. What a stroke of luck that his wife had an afro when he first met her.

MI and his wife Eniola [Dailypost]
MI and his wife Eniola [Dailypost]

His musical career started in church

Like many of our favourite artists, MI honed his musical skills in the church and was good at it too. He started off by disturbing his friends, turning them into his band members then they'd rehearse gospel songs and present it to the congregation.

His pastor parents encouraged his rapping talent

MI was born and raised in Jos in the Northern part of Nigeria, and his parents are pastors. You might think that his folks would have been against his wishes to go into rapping, but they were very supportive. According to the rapper, his parents acknowledged his calling but did not listen to his secular music.

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